What's the worst meal you've ever had?

A fork on a dining room table (Photo by Anna Kumpan on Unsplash)

If you're like us, you enjoy a good meal. Doubly so in the company of friends. The atmosphere, the food, and the conversation all add up to a great time.

Not every meal goes as planned, though. There's the noisy business-bro two tables over. Or that case of food poisoning. Or that time your aunt and uncle chose Thanksgiving dinner to announce their divorce. Could they not have waited until after dessert?

So tell us: what was the worst meal you've ever had? Give us the deets.

(But not too many deets. Treat this as your anonymous tip-off box. We'll treat your submission in accordance with our privacy policy.)

About us

Terrible.food started because two friends had an idea. We're just having fun. And we hope you have fun, too!

Data by Q McCallum. Website by Scott Robbin.